Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gorilla, Man, Gun

This game is a variation on Rock, Paper, Scissors. Have each person find a partner. When students are paired up, explain that they are to stand back-to-back and then count to three (out loud) at which time (on the count of three) they will jump around (turn around while jumping) into their position of choice. If they choose Gorilla they must mimic a gorilla by putting their hands to their sides and make gorilla grunting noises. If they choose Man they must extend their arm like they are going to shake someone’s hand and say “Howdy” out loud. If they choose Gun they must outstretch their hand with their fingers in the shape of a gun and yell, “Bang!” Gorilla beats Man. Man beats Gun. Gun beats Gorilla. Have the pairs compete for the best two out of three. The student who loses must sit down while the student who wins must then find another player who also won and then those two will begin their round of competition. Continue this until there is one final winner. NOTE: Encourage players to decide who they want to be before they count to three because they are not allowed to change in the middle of the action.


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